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RTA Executive Committee 2015

Left to right
Brendan McGlone, Robina Atkinson, Mary Marley, Dorothy McIlmoyle, Maureen Clements, Margaret Rainey, Moyra Martin, Eugene Magill.

President Iris Clarke and Chair Sandra Savage

Not shown
Wendy Spratt, Noel Maitland

As well as ensuring financial stability and overseeing expenditure, the committee is actively involved in issues concerning pensions with other watchdog groups, for example, Age NI and the Public Service Pensioners' Council.

The committee also promotes the numerous social activities organised by the various branches and is heavily involved in the planning and organisation of the Annual General Meeting.


A chain of office for the Chair of the Retired Teachers' Association had been on the agenda for several years but, due to cost, had to be postponed. Happily though and thanks to the generous sponsorship of the late David Allen M.B.E. from Banbridge, we were able to provide our Chair with a very fitting and ornate chain for which the officers and membership of the Retired Teachers’ Association are very grateful.